Making Easy Wow Gold for Cataclysm
    Making Easy Wow Gold for Cataclysm
Fri, 11 Feb 2011 10:45:45 GMT Source:WowGoldGroup autor: yangming

Making gold in WoW doesn't have to be hard. By applying some basic gold making strategies, based on the gold economy of the World of Warcraft, anyone can obtain many wow gold quickly and easily without having to grind away for hours at a time.

Not that I'm against grinding the occasional mob, but I normally do it as part of a quest or to obtain a particular item that I know will sell well on the Auction House. By combining questing with grinding, you'll level faster and make wow gold with greater ease.

And you would be wrong to assume that you have to have reached level higher to farm for wow gold. It certainly helps if your only strategy is to mass pull mobs and grind for hours, but there are many more ways to make easy wow gold than just grinding.

As an example, I created a Gnome alt based on the Warlock class - no particular reason, except I haven't tried that combination before. I leveled him to 5 in about 30mins and trained him in the Mining and Engineering professions - a gathering and crafting profession that compliment one another. Level 5 is the earliest that players can train for a profession. I then ran a route around Dun Morogh and built up a stack of copper which I then auctioned for several gold coins on my server. Copper still sells very well on most servers due to the high demand from all the crafters - Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Engineering, etc.

Now, the gathering of a stack of copper took me no more than about 15mins, which equates to about 6-8 gold/hour. For a low level character, this basic strategy is a more efficient - and predictable - way of generating gold than trying to grind endless mobs. The same principle applies to the other gathering professions - Herbalism, Skinning and Fishing (yes, fishing). By supplying what's in demand in the Auction House, you'll make gold fast.

To continue with this example, my Gnome alt used his newly acquired gold wisely and bought and sold a number of selected items from the Auction House and quickly built up his stash to 25 gold coins and a few silver in loose change! Knowing how to work the Auction House in your favor is a big factor in building your stash of cheap wow gold. If you haven't yet mastered the Auction House, I would recommend subscribe to my free e-guide listed below where I give tips on the Auction House.

With a few more hours of gameplay under his belt, My Gnome alt is now level 10 and has a stash of a little over 50 gold coins. But here's the thing: I've managed to level up his Engineering to 165! This was funded from buying most of the materials from the Auction House by careful and artful trading. Thank you! Hope you can make more gold!
